Terms of delivery of the company BMZ Germany GmbH

Status: 08.12.2023

In which country is your delivery address


Shipping to countries other than those listed in the shipping costs table and selectable in the order process on request.

If items from different shipping classes are combined, we only charge the shipping costs for the most expensive option once - for example, if you order a solar panel, a POWER2GO and other items from the normal range, you will only be charged the shipping costs for the dangerous goods class.

When shipping to "non-EU countries", the applicable VAT will not be charged. Depending on the invoice amount and the supplier, the applicable VAT is due immediately upon delivery. So please always have the necessary funds ready on delivery.

You can print out an export certificate here if you wish to export the goods yourself:

Export certificate

We reserve the right to make partial deliveries of the items ordered.